Diario di missione umanitaria: Mark Piecoro


Diario di Mark Piecoro

Volontario S.O.Solidarietà

Hello my name is Dr Mark Piecoro.

I was a volunteer for S.O.Solidarietà in Ngugo, Nigeria from July 28 – August 4 2017.

This was a very rewarding experience for me.

Everyone from the staff and volunteers were very friendly to me. Since this was my first trip as a volunteer. I did not know what to expect or how I was to help.

I quickly realized that just sprading time with the children meant more than anything to them and me.

I will never forget this experience and friendships I made with these children: I look forward to my next visit and would like to thank the organization
for this incredibile opportunity.


Artigianato solidale

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